KISTELEK – 03th to 05th June 2019
Press conference for presenting the project and its activities
European Event – European Debate
About the topic: “Roadmap for 2019 and beyond: tasks, challenges ahead of EU institutions” and “The future of the EU: prospects and expectations for the 2019-2024 EU legislative term”
Local dialogues
Local dialogues with young about “Future of the EU Citizenship-New Challenges after 25 years” and “The Beginning of a New Era in the EU? The Proposal for a Council Directive Establishing an EU Emergency Travel Document” – n. 4 local dialogues during these dialogues the young people will discuss about the true and false Myths on EU. Participants will be involved in a free discussion about the role of EP after the election 2020 and the EP election.
Study visit to local Europe Direct Center and Dinner with the EU.
Dinner with the EU in Kistelek: open discussion about Europe between experts and participants.
